Monday, September 1, 2008

Potty time...

I thought that this was cute.....

I was cleaning the downstairs and left the gate at the stairs open so that the kids could go upstairs to play with their toys. I looked around and I saw the boys but couldn't find Lola. That's fine she probably went upstairs to play. I went to check on her and make sure she was safe. I didn't find her in her room, my room, the room left the bathroom. Now as a Mom I worry about the kids playing in the bathroom, getting into makeup, putting toys in the toilet, unrolling toilet paper (and the dangerous stuff too!). I was getting nervous, I quickly opened the door and... this is what I saw.
Lola took off her pants, her diaper and put her diaper in the basket and sat on the toilet all by herself. What a big girl! I told her to wait there while I got the camera. She didn't do anything but she is trying. I am so proud that she is deciding to do this all on her own. Way to go Lola!

1 shout outs:

Captain America said...

Thats pretty cool she sits on the potty. Now only if you could get her to use it for more than a chair. good luck.