Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Keep in mind that this Christmas was as bad as it gets. I was so sick that for Christmas day I made mac and cheese. I was so sick I couldn't stand to be in the kitchen. We did our best under the circumstances. Morning sickness was not kind to me during this time. The kids had a great time and that's all that matters.
The twins opening p.j.'s from G.Ma PorterThe faces that they make.Bridger just crawling around. Letter to Santa with the cookies.
I love this photo because it has all three kids hands in it.
We each ate a cookie for Santa before bed.
Christmas Morning, we don't give our kids lots of toys at Christmas but they did get a few things.

Bridger was happy playing with one of Logan's toy Lego's and his High Chair. This kid is very easy to entertain!

Bridger (right) and Parker (left), Cousins

Logan and Uncle Dave's house playing.
Lola in cousin Lynn's room Playing.
Mark snagged a photo of me laying on the couch, trying not to get sick on everyone.
Logan and Lynn, cousins.

Friday, December 19, 2008

December 20, 2003

Tomorrow is FIVE YEARS, that Mark and I have been Married. Five years since we were sealed for Time and All Eternity. As many know we were Married on our fourth date. Here are just a few pictures our our short courtship and some pictures of our wedding. We have been having the time of our lives. I'm so lucky to have my Best Friend on this Journey of life with me.

Above: The Fertility Tree in Temple Square, Salt Lake City Utah. (I think it worked for us.)
Above: My sister, My Bridesmaid, My Friend.

Above: Only some of the people that came to greet us after the wedding.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Baby has a Heart!!

I have been an emotional wreck this week. There has been a lot going. I went to the doctor last Saturday. The doctor was very upset when he saw my results from the ultrasound that he reviewed the test. He said, that because I have a swollen ovary that is producing hormone for the baby. He said because of that it changed everything. It meant that my dates could be off, and that the baby was very small. Needless to say we have prayed a lot! Mark and I have been stressed so much over this hoping and praying about our baby. So today we went back to the ultrasound room. Thinking that I was still going to see no heart beat imagine my surprise when not only was the baby bigger but there was a strong heart beat! I cried tears of joy. This baby is such a blessing to us. Our due date is July 30, 2009. I want to thank all our friends and family that prayed for us during this time it has been very emotional but now its all looking up. Although we will need more prayers as we are expecting our 4th child (and they will all be under Four!). We couldn't be happier.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Party time!

My kids are starting to go to birthday parties. I find it fun that little kids can get so excited about parties. Here are some picture from a birthday party that they attended. Bridger enjoyed watching the other kids play.

Mark on the right climbing with both twins in his arms.Going down with the twins.A different slide, sending Lola down solo... she loved it!
Mark had to go down with Logan, he needed 'help'.

Mark played with Bridger, too.

On the right you can see little Lola liked to disappear into the maze, we couldn't keep her out.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Baby

Today is the day I had my ultrasound. I went in with such dreams and hopes for this pregnancy and for the baby that would be to come. During the ultrasound we found that the baby is not growing and has no heart beat. I still have my swollen belly with my baby. I just don't have a baby that will grow. My heart aches. Today is my day of tears. I know that everything will be fine in the end. As I wish that my baby would be ok I know that Heavenly Father has a plan. Please understand if I just want to be alone right now as this is very hard for me to go through.
Much Love,

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Our Thanksgiving Dinner was great! I made a TURKEY!! Anyone who knows me will be impressed. I don't do meat. I can't touch it, it makes me sick just thinking of it. I did it though, I bought gloves and made the best looking turkey! It looks great too! The Kids were great the whole day. Mark and I were in the kitchen making all the preparations and we all sat together to enjoy the little feast.

Me in the Kitchen, busy at work.

My Turkey My Plate, soo yummy. Kids enjoying the food.

Logan digging in.

Lola spilled some water and decided to lick it up like a dog, ahh that girl.

After Lola started acting like a dog, Logan did too!

My Pecan casserole.

Homemade Rolls, warm and yummy!!

My Favorite Homemade Chocolate dessert, Chocolate Eclair.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


That's right, we are pregnant!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Test

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My 2? Birthday!!

For my Brithday, Mark made my cake! It wasn't pretty, but it had love. He made a mess out of the kitchen. He even tried to color the frosting in the bag!! I love him so much. He made my birthday so wonderful! Thanks Mark!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Birthday Snow?!

I have always wanted to have warm weather for my birthday. I remember my Mom taking me shopping at Sam's club when I was small and I saw those awesome huge water toys, I would always say, "Mom, I want THAT for my birthday!". My Mom would ever so sweetly say, "Honey, I will buy that for you if you will use it ON your birthday." She knew she was safe.
I looked at the weather for tomorrow and it looks like snow, so I guess it is another year with out water toys, darn.
I think I have figured out all my birthday 'surprises', I do every year. I don't like to be surprised. I don't really like my birthday either, but I am learning to try to like it more. I will post pictures of the events tomorrow when I pose for the pictures.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Teething Tablets

After my last post I have tried to contact Hyland's Homeopathic Co., I was put on hold and someone would be with me, is what I was told. I stayed on the phone for a long time and no one ever got to me. I continued to call and finally today I talked to someone that could/would help. Hyland's is not and will not work on putting a safer lid on their product. The woman that I talked to said that is would imply that the product is no safe, when it is. I can understand where they are coming from but I'm a little upset in how they reacted when I started asking the tough questions. The lady continued to tell me that if a parent when to a hospital saying that the child had too many that the doctors would immediately start to pump the child's stomach (and it would be unnecessary) when they was the lid. I'm sorry but doctors don't just look at the lids of products! I'm upset in the way the woman was so very callous with me. As I believe in the product and have used it for a few years I will have a hard time recommending this product when the company is sooo "helpful" (I hope you can see my sarcasm).

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am a mother that when my children are teething I don't give medicine unless they are running very high fevers. That being said I do use teething tablets that seem to help when my babies are cutting teeth. Bridger has been teething a lot recently and I keep these tablets on my bedside so I can give him a few in the middle of the night. I keep them high my bedside and it is very hard to get to. I have a jewelry box that sits on the bedside and a few books that sit on the j. box, then I have the teething tablets. With all that being said yesterday I was getting the baby changed and I noticed Lola was sitting in my bed snuggled in the blankets. This is the first time she has ever gotten into our bed by herself. Our bed is waist high and its not easy for them get into (I thought it was impossible still, read on). So I chuckled to my self that she was snuggled in my bed I was going to run in the room and jump in bed with her and read a book with her but as I walked into the room I noticed that she was eating something! She gotten to the teething tablets. She looked at me and started to put the lid on the bottle (that is not child proof, I'm calling to complain about that!) and she said, "MMmmm, Good Candy!". I said, " OH no, that's not candy that's medicine!". Lola started crying because she knows that medicine is a big no no. I told her that we had a phone call to make.
I called poison control! I always said I would NEVER be the Mom who was careless enough that I would need to call poison control. I made the call and counted the tablets to get a estimate of how much she had consumed, she ate about 50 tablets. I told this to the nurse that was helping me and said I was lucky that this is all natural because there is not enough to hurt her. She went on to tell me that Lola could have eaten the whole bottle and been fine. Lola was happy when I told her she didn't have to go to the doctor (so was I). Needless to say I will never underestimate my kids again, I got lucky that this is all she got. I know now that this is a number that I will memorize.