Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Baby

Today is the day I had my ultrasound. I went in with such dreams and hopes for this pregnancy and for the baby that would be to come. During the ultrasound we found that the baby is not growing and has no heart beat. I still have my swollen belly with my baby. I just don't have a baby that will grow. My heart aches. Today is my day of tears. I know that everything will be fine in the end. As I wish that my baby would be ok I know that Heavenly Father has a plan. Please understand if I just want to be alone right now as this is very hard for me to go through.
Much Love,

4 shout outs:

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry . i know that doesnt help but i just wanted you to know that i was thinking about you.

kbradley said...

Oh- honey, I share your tears. I'm so sorry. I'll say a prayer for your strength and healing. Call when you are ready to talk or if there is anything I can do to help.

Anonymous said...

I love you girl. I am so sorry - mom just told me. You are in my prayers!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. You will also be in my prayers.
