Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Teething Tablets

After my last post I have tried to contact Hyland's Homeopathic Co., I was put on hold and someone would be with me, is what I was told. I stayed on the phone for a long time and no one ever got to me. I continued to call and finally today I talked to someone that could/would help. Hyland's is not and will not work on putting a safer lid on their product. The woman that I talked to said that is would imply that the product is no safe, when it is. I can understand where they are coming from but I'm a little upset in how they reacted when I started asking the tough questions. The lady continued to tell me that if a parent when to a hospital saying that the child had too many that the doctors would immediately start to pump the child's stomach (and it would be unnecessary) when they was the lid. I'm sorry but doctors don't just look at the lids of products! I'm upset in the way the woman was so very callous with me. As I believe in the product and have used it for a few years I will have a hard time recommending this product when the company is sooo "helpful" (I hope you can see my sarcasm).

1 shout outs:

Anonymous said...

Hi. As communications manager of Hyland's, I want to apologize for your recent experience with our company. I spoke with the customer service representative and she also asked me to pass on her apologies. Barbara did not mean to offend you.

We understand your view on the child resistant caps and we do evaluate the possibility on a regular basis. We have not made the decision to go that route, however, given the wide safety margin of our products. I have passed on your comments; they will be included when the subject is discussed again.

Please feel free to e-mail me at if you need additional answers to your questions. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us.

Kind Regards,
Mary C. Borneman
Media Relations and Communications Manager
Hyland's, Inc.